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Why do my Grillz hurt my teeth?

Grillz, also known as fronts, are decorative covers that are worn over the teeth. They are often made from metal and jewels and can be removable or permanently attached. While grillz may look cool, they can cause some pain and dental issues if not properly cared for.


There are a few main reasons why grillz may be uncomfortable or cause tooth pain:

Poor Fit

Getting a proper fit is crucial for grillz to not hurt. Ill-fitting grillz will rub and put pressure on the teeth and gums, leading to pain and discomfort. Custom-made grillz formed to the shape of your teeth are less likely to cause issues than premade generic grillz.

Tooth Sensitivity

The metals used in grillz, especially silver and gold, can cause temperature sensitivity in some people’s teeth. The metal conducts hot and cold very well, which may irritate sensitive teeth.

Movement and Friction

Grillz are not permanently affixed to teeth like braces or veneers, so they can shift around in the mouth. This movement, along with chewing and talking, can create friction against the teeth. This irritation on the enamel over time can cause pain.

Gum and Tooth Damage

Poorly fitting grillz can rub and press into the gum tissue, causing gum recession and abrasions. The pressure of the grillz on teeth can also lead to chipped or cracked enamel. Damaged gums and teeth are very sensitive and prone to pain.

Nerve Pain

Metal grillz conduct temperature and can cause sharp nerve pain in teeth with exposed dentin from cavities or gum recession. The temperature sensitivity from grillz can also exacerbate existing dental pain.

Infection Risk

Improperly cleaned grillz can harbor bacteria, leading to dental infections like gingivitis and periodontitis. These types of infections cause swollen, inflamed, and painful gums.

Factors That Increase Risk of Pain

Certain factors can increase the likelihood of pain from wearing grillz:

  • Pre-existing tooth sensitivity, dental work, or gum disease
  • Wearing grillz constantly without removal
  • Eating and drinking with grillz in
  • Grillz that do not fit properly or rub on gums
  • Poor oral hygiene and not cleaning grillz regularly
  • Permanent, bonded grillz vs removable grillz
  • Lower quality metals that contain nickel or irritants

Pain Management Tips

Here are some tips to help prevent or manage tooth and gum pain from wearing grillz:

Get a Custom Fit

Invest in custom-fitted grillz molded specifically to your teeth. Avoid generic premade grillz that won’t fit your mouth properly.

Wear in Moderation

Avoid wearing grillz all day and night. Give your teeth a break for parts of the day without the grillz in.

Clean Regularly

Brush and disinfect grillz daily. Soak in antibacterial mouthwash regularly. Practice good oral hygiene to prevent infection.

Use Dental Wax

Apply orthodontic wax over any sharp or rubbing edges on grillz to smooth them out.

Avoid Temperature Extremes

Prevent pain from temperature sensitivity by avoiding eating and drinking hot or cold foods and beverages with grillz in.

Use Medicated Oral Rinse

Swish with oral rinse for sensitive teeth to help manage pain and discomfort.

Take Pain Medication

Use over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen to temporarily relieve pain from grillz.

See a Dentist

Consult your dentist if grillz are causing significant or ongoing pain. They can assess for issues and provide treatment.

Risks of Wearing Grillz

While grillz may seem harmless, there are some potentially serious risks to be aware of:

Tooth Damage

Ill-fitting grillz can chip, crack, or wear down tooth enamel over time. Permanent damage can occur.

Gum Recession

Friction from grillz can cause gums to recede and expose tooth roots. This is painful and can lead to long-term problems.

Speech Issues

Some people develop a lisp or impaired speech from grillz interfering with teeth positioning needed for certain sounds.

Tooth Loss

In severe cases, poorly fitting grillz may eventually lead to teeth loosening or falling out due to severe gum damage.

Dental Infections

Bacteria buildup on poorly cleaned grillz can lead to gingivitis, abscesses, or other infections that cause oral pain.


Bulky grillz can make chewing and eating difficult, potentially causing nutritional deficits.

Swallowing or Choking

There is a small risk of accidentally swallowing or inhaling removable grillz, which could block the throat.

When to See a Dentist

Consult a dentist promptly if you experience any of the following:

  • Moderate to severe tooth or gum pain that lasts more than 1-2 days
  • Bleeding gums
  • Swelling around gums or teeth
  • Increased tooth sensitivity to hot or cold
  • Red, inflamed, or infected gums
  • Ulcers, sores, or lesions in the mouth
  • Chipped, cracked, or damaged teeth
  • Difficulty chewing or eating
  • Loosened teeth

The dentist can examine your mouth, assess any damage, and provide treatment as needed. Leaving oral pain and issues from grillz unchecked can lead to permanent problems.

Prevention Tips

Follow these tips to help prevent pain and dental issues when wearing grillz:

  • Choose custom-fit over premade generic grillz
  • Wear grillz only occasionally, not constantly
  • Clean thoroughly daily with soap, water, and mouthwash
  • Remove grillz before eating and drinking
  • Use orthodontic wax on rough or sharp areas
  • Avoid cheaper metals that contain nickel or lead
  • Get regular dental cleanings and checkups
  • Stop wearing grillz if they cause pain until examined
  • Stay hydrated and use lip balm to avoid gum irritation

Dental Treatment Options

If you develop tooth or gum issues from grillz, there are treatment options available:

Tooth Restoration

Damaged teeth can be restored with fillings, crowns, or veneers to repair cracks or decay.

Root Canals

Severely damaged or infected tooth nerves may require root canal treatment to save the tooth.

Gum Grafts

Receding gums can be rebuilt and reinforced with soft tissue grafts to protect tooth roots.

Tooth Extraction

Loose or severely damaged teeth that cannot be saved may need extraction and replacement with implants.


Medications can reduce swelling and discomfort from inflamed gums.


Bacterial infections causing oral pain may require prescription antibiotics.

Pain Medication

Over-the-counter pain relievers can provide temporary relief in some cases.


Grillz can cause tooth and gum pain and damage if not worn and cared for properly. Custom fitting, limited wear, good hygiene, and prompt dental treatment can help prevent or resolve issues. While grillz may be an aesthetic choice, oral health and comfort should remain the top priority.


Grillz can look great, but require some precautions to avoid hurting your teeth. Get a proper custom fit, wear grillz only occasionally, and maintain good oral hygiene to help prevent pain and dental issues. See a dentist promptly if you experience any problems to avoid permanent damage. With smart care, grillz can be worn safely without sacrificing your smile and oral health.