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What should you avoid after sealants?

Dental sealants are a protective coating applied to the teeth to help prevent tooth decay. They are usually applied to the back teeth, as those are more prone to decay. Sealants help to create a smooth surface on the teeth that is easier to clean and maintain. They are a common procedure for both children and adults. After getting sealants applied, it’s essential to understand what you should and should not do to ensure their longevity. This article will discuss what foods and actions you should avoid after getting sealants to protect your sealants.

Avoid eating hard, sticky, or chewy foods

One of the first steps in protecting your dental sealants is avoiding hard, sticky or chewy foods. These types of foods can cause damage to your sealants and increase the risk of decay. Hard foods like jawbreakers, ice, and hard candies can chip and break your sealants. Sticky foods like gummy candies, caramel and toffee can stick to your teeth and pull at the sealants. Avoiding foods that can damage the sealants is crucial in maintaining its effectiveness.

Avoid hard brushing or using abrasive toothpaste

While it’s important to brush your teeth regularly to maintain good oral hygiene, it’s essential to avoid hard brushing or using abrasive toothpaste after getting sealants. Hard brushing can damage the sealant by wearing it away, and abrasive toothpaste can also be harmful. Abrasive toothpaste like charcoal toothpaste can damage the sealant and also remove enamel from your teeth, which can lead to tooth decay. A soft-bristled toothbrush with gentle brush strokes and a non-abrasive toothpaste can help to maintain your sealant’s durability.

Avoid chewing on non-food items

Chewing on non-food objects like pens, pencils, or even ice cubes can damage the sealants on your teeth. It’s important to avoid this habit to protect your sealants’ integrity and reduce the risk of decay and tooth damage. Using scissors or other tools to open bottles or packages should also be avoided. Teeth are not designed to be used as tools, and using them as such can damage the sealants and increase the risk of tooth decay.

Avoid drinking sugary drinks

Sugar is one of the primary causes of tooth decay. Consuming sugary drinks like soda or energy drinks can increase the risk of tooth decay and damage the sealants. When you consume sugary drinks, the sugar gets trapped in the crevices of your teeth, including the sealant’s surface. This can lead to the growth of bacteria and plaque, which can cause tooth decay. Drinking water is the best way to stay hydrated and avoid sugary drinks that can increase the risk of tooth decay and damage the sealant.

Avoid smoking or using tobacco products

Smoking or using tobacco products can have long-term adverse effects on your oral health. Smoking increases the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer. Tobacco products have a harmful effect on the sealants by breaking them down over time and reducing their effectiveness. Quitting smoking or using tobacco products is the best decision you can make to protect your oral health and maintain the effectiveness of your sealants.


Dental sealants are a valuable tool in preventing tooth decay. After getting your sealants applied, it’s essential to avoid foods and habits that can damage the sealants. Avoiding hard, sticky, or chewy foods, hard brushing, chewing on non-food items, sugary drinks, and smoking or using tobacco products can help to maintain your sealant’s effectiveness and protect your oral health. Practicing good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly can also help to ensure the continued effectiveness of your sealants.


Can you eat anything after sealants?

Sealants are a protective coating that is placed on the biting surfaces of the back teeth to help prevent cavities. This is achieved by covering the grooves and fissures of the teeth, which are the most susceptible areas to decay. If you are wondering whether you can eat anything after sealants, the answer is yes!

Once the sealants are applied, there are no restrictions on what you can eat, drink, or do. You can continue with your normal routine without any concerns. However, you may experience a strange sensation when you first bite into something due to the new sealants. This is normal and should go away after a few days.

It is important to maintain good oral hygiene habits to ensure the longevity of the sealants. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss at least once a day, and schedule regular dental checkups every six months. The dentist will check the sealants for any signs of wear or damage during these visits and replace them if necessary.

Sealants are a great way to prevent cavities and protect your teeth. Luckily, there are no food restrictions after sealants. You can eat, drink, play, and work as usual, but don’t forget to take care of your teeth for long-lasting results.

Can you eat after having sealants put in teeth?

Yes, you can eat after having sealants put in your teeth. In fact, you can start eating right away as the sealants will be fully hardened by the end of the appointment. Sealants are thin plastic coatings that are painted onto the teeth to prevent cavities from forming. They create a smooth surface over the pits and grooves of the teeth, making it easier to clean and harder for bacteria to stick to.

Sealants are a quick and painless way to protect your teeth and are commonly used on the back teeth, especially in children who may not yet have the best brushing habits. They last for several years, but will need to be checked at your preventive dental appointments to ensure they are still effective.

While eating after your sealant appointment is perfectly fine, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene habits such as regular brushing and flossing to prolong the life of the sealant and prevent any potential issues. Sugary or sticky foods should be consumed in moderation to prevent any accidental damage to the sealant.

If you experience any discomfort or sensitivity after the sealant appointment, contact your dentist immediately. However, it is normal to experience slight discomfort or sensitivity for a short period of time after the procedure.

Eating after having sealants put in your teeth is not a problem. The sealants must be maintained and will be examined at preventive dental appointments for chipping, leakage, wear, overall effectiveness. By maintaining good oral hygiene habits and limiting sugary or sticky foods, you can make your sealant last for several years and keep your teeth healthy and cavity-free.

How long does it take for sealants to feel normal?

In general, dental sealants are a quick and easy procedure that are meant to keep your teeth healthy for years to come. While most patients feel completely normal after the application of dental sealants, there can be some discomfort or strange sensations that persist for a few days following the treatment.

The first thing to note is that it is important to avoid eating or drinking anything for about 30 minutes after the sealants are applied. This gives the sealants enough time to dry and bond properly to the teeth. Once this time has passed, you should be able to resume your normal activities without any issues.

However, it is possible to experience some mild discomfort or sensitivity after the sealants are applied. This can be caused by several factors, including the material used to make the sealant or the mechanics of the application process itself. Some people may feel as though their teeth are slightly rough or uneven after the sealant has dried, while others may notice that they feel more sensitive to hot or cold temperatures than they did before the sealant was applied.

In most cases, these symptoms are mild and should subside within a few days. If you do experience any discomfort or sensitivity, it can help to avoid biting down hard on the affected teeth and to use over-the-counter pain relievers or desensitizing toothpaste to manage any discomfort. If your symptoms persist for more than a week or if they are severe, you should contact your dentist to have the sealants checked.

While it is possible to experience some mild discomfort after the application of dental sealants, most patients find that the benefits of these important preventive procedures far outweigh any temporary discomfort they may experience. With regular dental visits and healthy oral hygiene practices, dental sealants can help keep your teeth healthy and protected for many years to come.