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How long does it take to get a retainer replaced?


Getting your retainer replaced can be an inconvenience, especially if you rely on it to maintain your teeth alignment after braces. The time it takes to get a replacement depends on several factors, including your orthodontist’s process, the type of retainer, and any additional steps needed. With some preparation and understanding of the process, you can get a new retainer made and inserted as quickly as possible.

Reasons for Replacement

There are several reasons you may need to get your retainer replaced:

Lost retainer The most common reason for replacement is losing or accidentally throwing away your retainer.
Damaged retainer Dropping your retainer or having your dog chew on it can result in cracks or tears that require a new retainer.
Outgrown retainer As teens continue to develop, the fit of their retainer can change and need to be remade.
New teeth When wisdom teeth come in, you’ll need a new retainer made to accommodate them.

Knowing why you need a replacement will help determine the timeline and process.

Conventional Retainer Replacement Process

If you have a traditional Hawley or Essix plastic retainer, the typical process for getting it replaced is:

Step 1: Initial Appointment

You’ll need to schedule an appointment with your orthodontist to take an impression of your teeth. This appointment usually takes about 20-30 minutes. The orthodontist will have you bite down on putty or another impression material to create a mold of your teeth’s new alignment.

Step 2: Retainer Fabrication

The mold of your teeth will be sent to an orthodontic lab that will manufacture the new retainer. This process usually takes 1-2 weeks. For a Hawley retainer with a metal wire component, it may take closer to 2 weeks. For a simple Essix retainer, it may only take 1 week.

Step 3: Fitting Appointment

Once the new retainer is ready, your orthodontist will have you come in for a fitting appointment. This appointment is usually quick, about 10-15 minutes, to ensure the new retainer fits your teeth properly. You’ll get to take the replacement retainer home and begin use.

Total Time

With conventional retainers, you can expect the total process to take 2-3 weeks from your initial impression to getting the new retainer to use. Much of this timeframe depends on the back-and-forth with the orthodontic laboratory fabricating the retainer. As long as you stay on top of your appointments, you can get your new retainer relatively quickly.

Clear Aligner Retainer Replacement

If you have Invisalign, ClearCorrect, or another clear aligner system for your retainer, the process for getting a replacement aligner is expedited. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Impression or Scan

You’ll book an appointment to get your teeth scanned or take an impression, just like with conventional retainers. However, clear aligner companies now have the technology to do an intraoral scan in-office, which is quicker and more comfortable than a putty impression.

Step 2: Order Aligned

Your orthodontist will then order just the single replacement aligner. Most clear aligner companies keep digital records of patients’ treatment, so new aligners can be made based on your current teeth’s position.

Step 3: Receive Aligner

The new aligner is fabricated at the company’s in-house lab, usually within 1 week. Your orthodontist office will contact you once the aligner arrives, and you can come pick it up to start wearing.

Total Time

Because clear aligner retainers are made by a digital model and don’t require sending out physical impressions, the turnaround time is much faster. You can often get a replacement aligner in about 1 week.

Emergency Options for Faster Replacement

If you suddenly lose or break your retainer and are unable to wear it, there are some emergency options that can get you a new one more quickly:

Temporary Retainer

Your orthodontist may be able to create a temporary retainer for you to wear in the meantime while your permanent replacement is being made. This could be a Hawley with a thinner wire or a shell retainer that holds your teeth in position.

Expedited Shipping

For clear aligner replacements, many companies can expedite shipping for 1-2 day delivery, which cuts down the time significantly.

In-Office 3D Printing

Some orthodontists now offer same-day retainers printed right in the office using 3D printing technology. This can create a usable retainer within hours to tide you over. However, printed retainers may not be as durable or comfortable as conventionally made retainers.

Tips to Get Your Retainer Replaced Faster

These tips can help streamline the process and reduce the time you have to go without your retainer:

– Schedule your impression appointment as soon as possible when you realize you need a replacement. The sooner the process starts, the sooner you’ll get your new retainer.

– If offered by your orthodontist, opt for a digital scan rather than traditional impression for faster processing.

– Ask if another type of temporary retainer is an option while waiting on your permanent replacement.

– Follow up frequently with your orthodontist to check on the status and see if you can get updates on the delivery timeframe.

– For clear aligner replacements, consider paying extra for expedited shipping, if available.

– Have your orthodontist submit the order for your replacement as urgent to prioritize its fabrication.

Living Without Your Retainer for a Short Time

While getting used to living without your retainer for a little while can be annoying, a short period is unlikely to significantly shift your teeth. Here are some tips if you have to go a few weeks without your retainer:

– Wear your last retainer as often as you can stand it until the replacement arrives, such as when sleeping.

– Avoid hard, chewy, or crunchy foods that put extra pressure on your teeth.

– Brush and floss carefully each day to keep your teeth clean without the retainer.

– Use interdental brushes or floss threaders to keep your teeth in contact where they meet.

– Apply a small amount of whitening gel or strip on problem teeth to reduce shifting stains.

– Use oral products like gum or strips that provide gentle pressure between teeth.

– If you feel tooth movement, use orthodontic wax to reduce irritation on your teeth.

– Ask your orthodontist about using temporary bonding material on a shifted tooth while waiting for your retainer.

When to Take Action for Teeth Movement

While missing your retainer for a week or two shouldn’t cause major problems, any aligner out of your mouth for an extended period can reverse progress. Follow up with your orthodontist if you notice:

– Increased spacing between your front teeth

– Sharp pain when biting down

– Difficulty fitting your last retainer back in place

– Visible difference in tooth alignment or position

– Any signs of teeth shifting that doesn’t resolve within 1-2 days of resuming retainer wear

Depending on the severity, your orthodontist may recommend options like:

– Composite bonding to fill minor gaps between teeth

– New rubber bands or springs to reposition slightly shifted teeth

– Minor refinement with new clear aligner trays

– Restarting orthodontic treatment if movement is severe

The sooner you get your retainer replaced, the less risk of reversal and need for additional orthodontic work. Be diligent about wearing your retainer as prescribed. But if you do find yourself needing a replacement, know it’s usually about a 2-3 week process for conventional retainers or 1 week for clear aligners. Plan accordingly and talk to your orthodontist to get a new retainer fabricated and fitted as quickly as possible. With some patience and proactive care, you can limit the impact of lost retainer time.


Getting a replacement retainer usually takes 1-3 weeks depending on your orthodontist’s process and the type of retainer you have. Conventional Hawley or Essix retainers involve more time to take impressions, send to a lab, and fabricate the appliance. Clear aligner retainers can be replaced in about 1 week by ordering a new set of aligners. Emergency options like temporary retainers, expedited shipping, and 3D printing may be available for faster turnaround. Be diligent about wearing your current retainer and contact your orthodontist immediately if you notice shifting. With careful tracking and scheduling, you can get a new retainer inserted promptly and continue your progress.