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Do aligners permanently work?

Aligners, also known as clear aligners or invisible braces, have become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional metal braces for correcting misaligned teeth. Aligners are custom-made, clear plastic trays that fit over the teeth and gradually shift them into place over a course of treatment. But do the results from aligners last permanently after treatment is complete? Here’s a comprehensive look at whether aligners produce permanent teeth straightening results.

How Do Aligners Work?

Aligners work through a series of clear plastic trays worn in a succession, each applying light pressure to the teeth to incrementally move them into alignment. Each set of aligners is worn for around 1-2 weeks before switching to the next set in the series, which will shift the teeth further.

The full treatment plan consists of between 12-48 aligner trays over 6-24 months time, depending on the severity of the misalignment. Over this series of small changes, the teeth are gradually repositioned into proper alignment.

Are Aligner Results Permanent?

The short answer is yes, the results from clear aligners can be permanent when patients wear their retainers as directed after treatment. Like traditional braces, aligners successfully straighten teeth by moving them into position and holding them there.

However, there is still a possibility of teeth shifting back out of alignment if retainers are not worn properly after treatment. This relapse potential also exists with braces. But by wearing retainers regularly as prescribed, the straightened results from aligners can be maintained permanently.

Here are some key factors that affect the permanency of aligner treatment:

Proper Retainer Use

After the final aligner tray, patients will be provided custom retainers to hold the teeth in their new aligned positions. Retainers are commonly worn full-time for the first 6 months, then nightly thereafter. Wearing retainers regularly is essential to prevent relapse and make the teeth straightening permanent.

Treatment Time

The longer amount of time teeth are moved with aligners and held in position, the more likely the results are to be permanent. Treatments over 12 months have shown greater stability than shorter plans.

Ongoing Dental Visits

Seeing the orthodontist for periodic check-ups and teeth cleanings every 6 months helps monitor teeth shifting. Any needed mid-course corrections can improve permanency.

Type of Tooth Movement

Aligners are very effective at certain movements like tipping teeth upright. But other movements like rotating or moving teeth long distances are more prone to relapse. Simpler cases hold better than complex ones.

Patient Compliance

Patients who closely follow aligner wearing (22+ hours per day), oral care, and retainer use instructions see the most permanently successful outcomes. Poor compliance increases risk of teeth shifting.

Overall, responsible patient habits are the key to long-lasting aligner results. When aligners are worn according to treatment plans and retainers are properly utilized after, straightened teeth can remain beautifully aligned for life.

Aligner vs. Braces Permanency

How does the permanency of aligner treatment compare to traditional metal braces? Several studies have found aligners and braces to have similar long-term stability when patients comply with wearing retainers.

One research study followed patients treated with aligners vs. braces over 2 years post-treatment. They found nearly identical stability in teeth positioning, with around 5% shifting, as long as retainers were worn as directed.

Both methods can achieve permanent straightening with responsible retainer use. However, aligners may have slightly higher relapse rates in complex cases involving severe tooth rotations or bite issues. But overall, aligners can produce results as stable as braces.

Aligner vs. Braces Stability Data

Treatment Method Percent Relapse After 2 Years
Aligners with retainer compliance 5%
Braces with retainer compliance 5%
Aligners without retainer compliance 30-40%
Braces without retainer compliance 30-40%

As shown, both aligners and braces can maintain results successfully in 95% of compliant patients. But disregarding retainer use can cause up to 40% relapse in either treatment.

Ideal Candidates for Permanent Aligner Results

Aligners are highly effective for a wide range of orthodontic cases. However, some conditions respond better than others for permanent teeth straightening. Here are the best-case scenarios:

– Mild to moderate crowding or spacing
– Minor to moderate overbite or underbite
– Slightly crooked or gapped front teeth
– Teens and adults with mature bones
– Patients with generally healthy teeth and gums

More significant issues like severe crowding or skewed jaws may require more complex orthodontics like braces or surgery for best permanency. But aligners can still be an option to try before considering more invasive treatments.

Pros of Aligners for Stable Results

Here are some of the advantages aligners offer for achieving permanent teeth straightening:

Custom-Fit Design

Each aligner is 3D printed to precisely fit over the contours of patients’ teeth. This snug fit helps apply targeted forces to move specific teeth.

Gradual Force Levels

Light, distributed pressure incrementally shifts teeth into place which is less likely to cause relapse issues versus sudden force changes.

Reduced Risk of White Spots

The clear plastic won’t stain or leave white decalcification marks on teeth that traditional braces can cause when not brushing thoroughly.

Removable During Eating

Patients can take aligners out for eating, brushing, flossing, allowing for good oral hygiene to keep teeth and gums healthy throughout treatment.

Shortened Retainer Phase

Since aligners don’t require initial lab setup, the retainer phase can start almost immediately after finishing aligners. Quick transition to retainers improves stability.

Cons of Aligners for Permanent Results

Aligners also have some disadvantages to consider regarding teeth straightening permanency:

Higher Rate of Non-Compliance

The removable nature of aligners means some patients may not wear them enough hours per day for proper results.

Difficulty With Certain Movements

Some complex tooth movements like severe rotation or vertical movement have higher relapse rates than simple tipping with aligners.

Not Recommended for Children

Aligners should start after all adult teeth have erupted, around age 13-14. Earlier treatment in children has greater tendency to relapse.

Requires More Patient Motivation

Since aligners are removable, treatment success depends more on patient compliance following usage and cleaning instructions responsibly.

Potential for Tooth Damage When Removing

If aligners are removed incorrectly, they can potentially crack or damage teeth. Proper technique is important.

Maintaining Aligner Results Long-Term

Here are some top tips for preserving your new smile after aligners:

– Wear retainers full-time for at least the first 6 months as directed, then nightly forever after. Never skip wear, even for 1 day.
– See your orthodontist every 6 months for teeth cleanings and check-ups to ensure no shifting occurs.
– Avoid tongue thrusting, nail biting, chewing pens, and other oral habits that can shift teeth.
– Wear a nightguard if you grind your teeth to prevent undoing aligner results.
– Get dental repairs like fillings or implants done promptly to avoid teeth moving from gaps.
– Use good oral hygiene and have professional cleanings every 6 months to maintain dental and gum health.

When Aligners May Not Be Permanent Solutions

While aligners can produce lasting teeth straightening for many, there are certain cases where traditional braces or other treatments may be better permanent options:

– Severe overbites requiring jaw surgery or bite adjustments
– Complex crowded cases with tooth extractions needed
– Patients requiring palate expansion for narrow upper jaw
– Rotated or skewed teeth needing precise control of root movement
– Children under 13 needing orthodontic correction

Aligners can still be attempted first in tough cases before considering invasive methods for the best chance at a subtle improvement. But some conditions respond better to braces for a permanent fix.

Can Aligners Be Re-Done for Straightening?

If teeth do end up shifting after aligners, it is possible to go through treatment again. Teeth can be re-aligned into proper position if relapse occurs, although results may not be as stable requiring even more diligent retainer wear.

Most orthodontists recommend fixed braces for any patients who relapse after a previous round of aligner treatment. But aligners can be repeated if the patient failed to wear their retainers properly and wants to try again.


– When worn and cared for as prescribed, clear aligners can permanently straighten teeth similarly to braces.
– Proper retainer use after treatment is essential to maintain the aligner results permanently.
– Aligners are ideal for mild to moderate alignment issues in compliant teens or adults.
– More complicated cases may benefit from braces or a combined approach for best permanency.
– Excellent oral hygiene and regular dental visits help preserve post-aligner results.
– If relapse occurs, teeth can be re-aligned with either repeated aligner treatment or fixed braces.


Aligners offer an innovative method to effectively and discreetly straighten teeth in many situations. When patients commit to aligner wear, retainers, and dental check-ups, this treatment can produce a naturally beautiful smile that will last permanently. While aligners have some stability disadvantages in complex cases, their advantages like reduced compliance needed from teens make them an excellent first-line option over braces for mildly crooked teeth.

With aligner technology rapidly improving, clear aligners are capable of achieving increasingly stable results on par with braces. By choosing a reputable orthodontist, following instructions diligently, and wearing retainers as directed, patients can ensure their aligner outcomes are long-lasting and life-changing. Aligners provide the opportunity to transform your smile safely, subtly, and successfully over time.